
a world prioritising human and ecological wellbeing and balance.

It’s time for us to spark our most creative and wildest imagination on how this could look like, feel like and be like.

The more I’m excited to work with like-minded brands and a network of super talented creatives to imagine the unimaginable, create cool and impactful campaigns and work towards regeneration and conservation efforts together.


My personal motivation is rooted in the Awe for nature that was inspired by naturalists like Alexander von Humboldt and Jane Goodall. Every time I’m spending time in nature, I realise how much it serves as a place for healing and at the same time an inspiration and solution hub, reminding us so much of how we are part of the same ecosystem.

Unfortunately, our modern world’s disconnect from nature is evident, and it’s impacting our well-being and relationship with everything around us.

There’s much healing and wonders to discover in Nature and I hope for us to re-connect with our curiosity and love to go out and explore all the wonders that Nature has to offer, so we can re-establish our connection and recognize our responsibility in contributing to a regenerative ecosystem.

Created with Midjourney “Nature as an education platform"

Recommended Podcast - learn about innovations inspired by nature: “30 Animation that made us smarter

Recommended Website - learn about nature as a solution hub: “Ask Nature

Positive Visions

Simultaneously, we are witnessing a dominating media coverage highlighting the escalating impact of global crises such as climate change, ecological collapse, and injustice. While this encourages us to question conventional approaches and adopt new perspectives, it unfortunately also instills a sense of impending doom, fostering increased fear and withdrawal. Consequently, it hinders open conversations, leading to the polarization of opinions and further distancing individuals, despite the challenges of a transformative time.

That’s why we are in need of more positive stories—simple, emotional, and humanizing. Stories that are able to encourage thinking beyond conventional boundaries; that visualizes alternative life and work concepts prioritizing human and ecological well-being. They should help shifting conversations about these complex issues, and transform discussions into sources of excitement, creativity, and inspiration for solutions.

Recognizing the impact of advertising and marketing, I view their essential role in the transformation to a more regenerative economy and our relationship and responsibility with the natural ecosystem. With the use of storytelling, creativity, design, and campaigning, we can help drive societal shifts, spark conversations, and convey messages emotionally, and fostering a sense of belonging and urgency for collective action.

Created with Midjourney “online advertisings that are to remind you to reconnect and spend time in nature”

Created with Midjourney “advertising billboards turned into rewilding habitats”

Created with Midjourney “Nike commercial portraying it’s cool to do gardening”

Created with Midjourney “Piccadilly Circus screens are used to promote for nature and biodiversity”

Created with Midjourney “Instagram feed that only shows content with influencers promoting about various things about nature”